General Water Service Rules

Owner/Customer’s Responsibility

*It is the responsibility of the customer to keep the meter from freezing.

*The customer is responsible for the cost of a new meter if it does freeze or break, plus 20%.

*The service line from the curb box (or meter pit if applicable) to the premises is the sole responsibility of the property owner.

*The Customer is defined as the property owner since the property owner is, according to law, responsible for payment of all bills and is the owner of the necessary piping and connections between the curb stop and/or meter pit and their residence.

*The Customer shall be financially responsible for any tampering, interfering with or breaking of the seals of meters or other equipment of the District. The customer will be held liable, including any illegal diversion of water according to law.

*The Customer agrees that no one except employees of the District or Agent shall be allowed to make internal or external adjustments of any meter or any other piece of apparatus that is the property of the District.

*Only employees of the District or its Agent shall have the authority to turn the water service on or off at the curb stop and/or meter pit. No other person shall be permitted to turn such water on or off without having authorization or a permit from the District in every instance. Any illegal tampering of this type may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

District’s Responsibility

*The District will furnish, install, and maintain the service main extending from the District’s water main to the curb stop and/or meter pit.

*The meter is the property of the District. Any servicing of the meter is to be done only by the District.

*A representative or employee of the District, with proper identification, shall at all reasonable hours, and with prior notification, have access to the premises of the customer to examine pipes, meters, connections, and other appurtenances involving the District’s water supply for the purpose of examining, replacing, repairing or removing any meter, piping, instrument or connection that is part of the District’s water system.